Climate Crisis: No Time For Debate, Time To Take More Drastic Actions

As it stands, world leaders are way off track to prevent the worst effects of global climate change.

A new report published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) states that climate change is having irreversible impacts on nature. Frozen landscapes are melting, forests are burning, and coral reefs are dying – and the impacts are expected to get worse as temperatures rise to 1.5°C and beyond.

Many of the activities that are currently central to human existence – agriculture, travel and energy – are directly driving the destruction of nature and contributing to climate change by unlocking the stores of carbon sequestered in the earth’s soil and vegetation.

In addition to decarbonizing our industries, the WWF argues that protecting biodiversity and natural resources will be a far more effective tool against climate change than trying to geoengineer the planet.

The report concludes that national governments and businesses need to take far more drastic action than they have been, especially when it comes to the conservation and preservation of natural environments. Otherwise, the worst case scenario is in sight…

Reference- WWF Report, Futurism, The Guardian