Clean Future

World Bank funds India’s National Hydrology Project

World Bank has approved a grant of $175 million for the India’s ambitious National Hydrology Project. The entire project is worth INR3,679 crore of which the World Bank is providing 50% of its total cost. Through this projects, Indian states would be able to monitor all the important aspects of hydro-meteorological cycle and adopt previous projects procedures. This move comes as a relief for those states who suffer from floods and droughts throughout the year and will help them to better manage their resource from the reservoirs.

This project will build on the success of the earlier two successful projects (Hydrology Project I and Hydrology Project II)  implemented in two large river systems – Krishna in South India and Sutlej Beas in north-west India, which led to real time flood forecast system and were very successful. is expected to be implemented by 2023-24, this project will now also cover states of Ganga and Brahmaputra-Barak basins.

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