Clean Future

Someday Your Sunglasses Will Make You a Solar Collector

These sunglasses are definitely eye-catching, or perhaps a better description would be sun catching. A recent solar harvesting prototype by researchers at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany highlighted this tech. The glasses already had me at solar, but the tiny electronics located on the temples are impressive and there’s even more magic in the lenses.

The solar cell lenses have a thickness of around 1.6 millimeters and they weigh just six grams; which is not dissimilar from lenses found in traditional sunglasses. The microprocessor, together with two tiny displays, is integrated into the upper region of the solar glasses.

At the mention of displays I wasn’t sure whether they were trying to do a solar powered style of Google Glass. However, it turns out the displays show illumination and ambient temperature, which is handy for understanding best scenarios for solar collection. These sunglasses are not only handy in form, but they can function inside as well as outside. Future uses include windows, although with the thin form I can imagine this as decorative plating for wearables, brims for hats or even as a visor for motorcycle helmets.

Sourced from wearabletech

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