Clean Future

PSPCL signs agreement for 150 MW Wind Power

The Punjab state power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) has increased its share of renewable energy to 20% of the total energy produced via Thermal and Hydel sources in the state, by signing an agreement with Solar Energy Corporation of India  (SECI) to buy additional 150 MW of power.

Under the new arrangement the corporation would be able to buy 150 MW of wind power at a cost of Rs 2.72 per KWH, which will be available from other states producing wind power. The agreement will be valid for 25 years and available wind power projects will produce energy 90% to 120% of declared capacity utilization factor (CUF). This will help PSPCL in complying with targets of non-solar power utilization.

As per an official report, the wind power projects are expected to generate 450 MU each year and under the new agreement, the power from these projects is expected to be available to PSPCL in the beginning of FY 19-20.

PSPCL has made tremendous strides in the Non-conventional energy sector by fully utilizing the available resources in the state including small hydro, biomass and solar energy. The Solar generation contributes approximately up to 12.5% and Non-Solar up to 5.5% to its overall power availability.

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