Clean Future

Now Patanjali to Manufacture Solar Power Equipment’s

Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved is headed to the infrastructure sector. It plans to diversify into solar power equipment manufacturing, a burgeoning sector that is largely dependent on Chinese imports.

Patanjali plans to invest around Rs 100 crore in solar equipment manufacturing and its factory in Greater Noida is expected to be fully operational within the next couple of months.

Patanjali acquired Advance Navigation and Solar Technologies, a manufacturer of navigation aid equipment, earlier this year. Currently, the facility has a manufacturing capacity of 120 megawatts.

While the government is actively pursuing ambitious renewable-energy goals, solar power industry is still struggling to evolve in India. Patnajali’s foray into a nascent futuristic segment pushed by the government but low on capacity could be successful because of its brand ambassador Ramdev’s iconic status among the masses and his power to influence lifestyles.

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