Clean Future

Rajasthan Tenders 18 MW of Rooftop Solar Projects

The Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. (RRECL) has issued a tender for the installation of 18 MW of grid‑connected rooftop solar projects across the state.

The projects are set to be developed on a turnkey basis and the total cost of developing all 18 MW is estimated at ₹1.26 billion (~$19.5 million). The successful bidder or bidders must complete project development within nine months from the issuance of the letter of award (LoA).

The scope of work includes the identification of beneficiaries in Rajasthan who are willing to install solar systems on their rooftops, the collection of each beneficiary’s share of the cost after adjusting for financial assistance from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the design and supply of SPV systems with all accessories and equipment, as well as the installation, testing, and commissioning of the project.

RRECL says it will release 80 percent of the total payable capital subsidy to the successful bidder when installation is complete, following the commissioning and verification of the system. The 20 percent balance subsidy is supposed to be released in five equal installments paid annually over the course of five years, equating to 4 percent per year, assuming the submission of satisfactory performance reports that are confirmed by the beneficiary.

The bidder must ensure that any faults are attended to in a timely manner within three days of lodging. RRECL will charge a fault penalty of ₹20 (~$0.31)/day per kW for the number of days that the complaint is unattended.

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