Clean Future

Deviation Charges on Solar and Wind Power Developers for Under Generation

The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has released draft regulations for the forecasting, scheduling, and deviation settlement of solar and wind power generation which says TNERC would impose deviation charges on developers for the under injection of power.

With this, Tamil Nadu is set to become the third state after Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat to issue regulations for the forecasting, scheduling, and deviation settlement of solar and wind generation.

The regulations are intended to facilitate the grid integration of wind and solar power generated in Tamil Nadu while maintaining the stability and security of the grid.

Regulations for deviation charges and settlement are seen as necessary because they provide a avenue of redressal for both the procurers and generators.

The new forecasting, scheduling, and deviation settlement rules are set to commence on January 27, 2018, while the levy and collection of deviation charges would commence on July 27, 2018.

All grid-connected wind and solar projects are set to fall under the purview of this regulation. However No deviation charges will be paid to solar or wind energy generators for generation that is in excess of the scheduled generation.


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