Clean Future

Nissan & NASA join hands for Autonomous Mobility

Two impressive leaders in technology are applying the cutting-edge tools of modern science and engineering to bring the future into our daily lives in a safer, quicker, more effective way. Nissan North America and the NASA Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley are collaborating more deeply on research and tech development for future autonomous mobility services.

Nissan introduced Nissan Seamless Autonomous Mobility (SAM), a new platform for managing fleets of autonomous vehicles, developed from NASA technology. NASA’s involvement in supporting a commercial entity may seem odd at first glance but it fits perfectly with its strategic goals of transferring the technology developed for broader commercial and social applications.

The research collaboration with NASA is part of Nissan’s roadmap for the technology and business evolution of the automotive industry, called Nissan Intelligent Mobility. This roadmap consists of three workstreams of inter-related innovations in autonomous drive (Intelligent Drive), electrification (Intelligent Power) and infrastructure technologies (Intelligent Integration).

This extended NASA partnership seems to add to Nissan’s growing reputation as an innovation leader.

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