Clean Future

Green Heating : A way to Energy Efficient and Sustainable Living

With the rising trend of green living or going green, we realize that we can incorporate the principles of energy-efficient and sustainable living into nearly every aspect of our lives.

Right from recycling, reducing waste, sustainable building materials to renewable energy sources and solar-powered technology, green heating is another aspect that can be sustainable and eco-friendly, reducing your energy usage, costs, and your carbon footprint.

Green heating systems can generally be divided into two main categories – passive and active.

In passive green heating systems, the focus is mainly on maximizing the energy we are naturally given, without the use of any kind of furnaces, heating or air conditioning systems, i.e. letting the nature heat or cool our homes.

This is achieved through the construction of passive homes. It is a construction trend that focuses on how the house can be built in order to be as energy efficient as possible, and that involves aspects such as positioning the house on the optimal location, installing windows and roofs on the right side, facing the right direction, using the right green building materials, among others, all with the goal of maximizing the energy from the sun.

Active green heating systems, on the other hand, are mechanical systems of various types that run on any type renewable energy, such as geothermal power or solar power.

India is increasingly moving towards implementing sustainable principles throughout the country. It is on a path to a major energy transformation and its renewable energy sector is growing at high rates.

When it comes to green heating, Turbo Energy Ltd in Chennai, for example, uses solar power for those purposes, i.e., passive solar and solar thermal energy conversion systems. Another great example is TCS Technopark in Chennai that has a solar thermal heat storage system, where solar collectors collect energy and store it for later use.

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