Sembcorp Energy India Ltd (SEIL) has been awarded a 300 MW wind power project in the country’s third nationwide wind power auction conducted recently. This is the third consecutive bid win for the subsidiaries of Sembcorp Green Infra Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEIL.
With this win SEIL has won a combined capacity of 800 MW from the three national wind power auctions, which is by far the largest combined capacity won by an independent power producer so far.
The nationwide wind power auction was conducted by SECI.
SECI in its letter of award has confirmed acceptance of SEIL’s final offer and committed to purchase power from the new project. The project is proposed to be situated in the state of Gujarat.
Upon the project’s completion, it’s entire power output is proposed to be sold to SECI under a 25-year long-term power purchase agreement. The project will be connected to India’s Interstate Transmission System and supply power to multiple states, helping them to meet their renewable energy requirement.