Clean Future

EV ARC: The transportable EV Charging Station

California university orders EV ARC the transportable EV charging station which will be deployed in a public parking lot on campus and will provide free solar electric vehicle charging for students, faculty, staff and guests.

The campus purchased its first units in March of 2017 and the additional units will increase the availability of free EV charging, aligning with the university’s sustainability initiatives.

The university’s sustainability goals include developing effective greenhouse gas reduction plans, sustainable fleet management and transportation demand management programmes.

Currently, over 45 percent of the campus vehicle fleet consists of zero-emission and sustainable fuel vehicles.

California may need up to 220,000 publicly accessible charging ports by 2020 to meet projected demand, well beyond the roughly 16,000 available currently.

In order to meet demand, large universities will have to invest in EV charging infrastructure in a scalable and sustainable manner.

Envision Solar designed the EV ARC to provide a rapidly deployable and highly scalable solution that delivers solar powered charging with zero impact while lessening the impact of EVs on the grid and on utility bills.

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