Clean Future

Eco-Friendly Home Décor Ideas

Unlike what the masses believe, decorating green is NOT expensive. Incorporating green furniture, fixtures and furnishings can be affordable, beautiful and comfortable. Here are some cost-effective home décor tips for reducing your carbon footprint with ease:-

Vintage charm-Remember old is gold? Using the pre-loved articles will surely help the planet and make your home look naturally welcoming.

Thermal Curtains- Ideal for insulation, the thermal curtains are not only environment-friendly but also pocket-friendly. Replacing your standard curtains with their thermal alternatives will not only dampen the sound and block out sunlight but also reduce energy bills.

Love your walls Most of the wall paints contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which emit toxic fumes, harming you and your family for years. To avoid the harm, go for ‘low-VOC’ paints or better, the eco-conscious wallpapers.

Carpeting- Every few years, the carpets are ought to get replaced and the new ones WILL release the toxic fumes The best to avoid the harm is either to avoid carpeting completely and go for real wood floors or opt the eco-friendly ones.

Plants– Not just outside your homes but planting plays a crucial role in our residents too by breathing in carbon dioxide before converting it to oxygen. Apart from adding life to the living environment, plants purify the air by soaking up the harmful toxins and pollutants.


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