Ecobotix : The Ecological Pest Control Company

Ecobotix, a Danish company, which was founded in 2015 and the team behind it believes that modern farming must make economic and ecologic sense. It aims to become ecological agriculture service providers by offering related technologies with clear benefits for farmers.

Invading pests, unpredictable weather, and also the larger areas are difficult to monitor in practical terms. The drones from Ecobotix are the extended eyes and hands of the farmer. They can be used to scan areas and act accordingly by deploying troops of bio control agents of select beneficial organisms.

The beneficial organisms can of course be deployed even before any attacks are detected, provided they don’t have a taste for the crops they are sent to guard of course.

This is a way to return to nature and use the ancient knowledge of ecological pest control. In this method pests such as insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases are controlled using other organisms. It relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, or other natural mechanisms, but typically also involves an active human management role (Here we see the role of Ecobotix Drone’s).

Ecobotix focus is on ensuring the possibility of efficient cultivation without the use of pesticides, and in this regard, the monocultural cultivation form is the one that is being refined at present.