Clean Future

Auction for 2000 MW Wind Energy-Undersubscribed

Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)latest tender for 2,000-MW of wind energy capacity was undersubscribed by 800 MW.

Only 1,200 MW of the capacity has been bid for by four renewable energy companies — Sprng Energy, Alfanar Energy, Adani Green Energy and Renew Power.

The lack of the necessary infrastructure to transmit the energy produced might be a cause of concern for the energy players. And that the tender may be scrapped for the same reason.

A state government official said that they have noted the concerns of developers, and a decision will be made soon. He further mentioned the possibility of deferring the bid or cancelling it entirely. If the bid is cancelled, a fresh tender may be provided.

The government is expected to take a decision soon.


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