Coca-Cola : Innovating Beyond the Traditional Package

Coca-Cola is using its innovative spirit to help reduce packaging footprints and give people more of the drinks they want. They are doing this by combining Coca-Cola Freestyle®, the touchscreen-operated beverage dispenser, with micro-chipped, self-serving reusable cups, mugs and bottles.

First introduced in 2009, now with tens of thousands of units installed worldwide, Coca-Cola Freestyle offers more than 100 sparkling and still beverage choices, including more than 70 low- and no-calorie options and 90-plus caffeine-free selections.

This revolutionary product delivery method is helping the company respond to people’s evolving tastes, and introduce them to new products and options. It also is playing a role in reducing waste.

Refillable beverage containers, equipped with micro-chipped, ValidFill® radio frequency identification (RFID) technology conveniently provides preset pours toward favorite beverages and new tastes while, helping people reduce their packaging footprints.

In addition to helping consumers to avoid waste, Coca-Cola Freestyle machines can contribute to cutting waste in product transportation and manufacturing.

Coca-Cola Freestyle’s SmartPAK™ cartridges have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional syrup packaging, are manufactured in a Gold LEED certified facility with renewable power and water conservation technology, and contain 15-30 percent recycled content.

When considering the savings each ValidFill®-enabled container drives an estimated $88 in annual profit.


Reference- Coca-Colar NewsRoom