Clean Future

Hydro Panels Are NOW Available In India

Chennai-based solar technology solutions vendor Swelect Energy Systems partnered with US-based Zero Mass Water to produce, install and sell hydro panels.

Hydro panels are solar cells-fitted panels that use air and sunlight to produce water. One unit will costs Rs 2 lakh (approx.) and could produce up to five litre of water per day. Two panels can take care of the water needs of four people.

Solar has gone beyond just photovoltaic and thermal, it has now forayed into water production. Swelect brings Sourcehydro panels – which is a renewable way of getting drinking water.

The company has global customers in 15 countries, including the US and Australia, and the panels will be made exclusively available in south India through Swelect. The company will make installations in north India as well.

In our opinion the costing will have to be made more competitive for Indian market place.


Reference- ET, Swelect PR, Business Line, Equity Bulls


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