Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) data indicate that the world has attained the landmark figure of 1 terawatt (TW) of wind and solar generation capacity installed. It also estimates that the second terawatt of wind and solar will arrive by mid-2023 and will cost 46% less than the first.
Looking back on the first terawatt of wind and solar reveals just how far these two sectors have come. Total installed capacity has grown 65-fold since the year 2000, and more than quadrupled since 2010.
Even more striking is the growth of solar PV alone. As recently as 2007, there was just 8GW of PV capacity installed, compared with 89GW of wind. Since then, PV has grown from just 8% of total installed wind and solar capacity, to 46%. In the process, PV installations grew 57-fold, with utility-scale PV overtaking small-scale PV in 2014.
Wind still represents the majority of the installed base at 54%, but is likely to relinquish this lead soon.
They have singled out wind and solar in this piece because they are the fastest-growing sources of power generation and have just recently achieved the 1TW mark. If we were to include all other renewables, including hydropower, the total would already exceed 2TW, with the 1TW mark attained about a decade ago.
Reference- BNEF website,