Clean Future

‘Mukhyamantri Solar Power Program’ For Delhi Residence

Delhi state government’s approval of the ‘Mukhyamantri Solar Power Program’ will enable Delhi residents adopting rooftop solar projects and residing in co-operative group housing societies (CGHS), to not shell out a single penny anymore for the installation of rooftop solar PV systems.

According to a statement issued by the government, there will be a tripartite agreement between the concerned group housing society, the service provider and the Delhi government for the purpose.

The Delhi state government is also giving a generation-based incentive (GBI) of ₹2 /kWh on solar generation for a three-year period from financial year (FY) 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 under the Delhi Solar Policy. The GBI is disbursed on an annual basis by power distribution companies (DISCOMs).

Since solar is in initial phases in the domestic sector, there is need for extending GBI and also a need for course correction in view of the new tariff regime. For giving it the required impetus, there is also a need to extend GBI for a period of five years starting from 2019-20.

Combined with a decrease in solar tariff, this will offset the impact of electricity tariff and may increase adoption of solar by consumers from domestic sector. For a typical solar power plant, this will amount to GBI payment of ₹13,000 in five years, and this payment will amount to 22-25 percent on benchmark solar costs.

The current announcement made by the government will also help the growth of rooftop solar in Delhi as the cost factor has been removed. Hope other states will follow soon.




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