State-owned Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML) has developed a ‘Electric Dumper’ which is currently be on trial at one of the largest Coal India subsidiaries, Northern Coalfields, Amlohri coal mine, where all low-capacity dumpers are being replaced by larger ones. This e-dumper is the biggest deployed at NCL.
This indigenously-made, 205-tonne electric dumper is a critical piece of equipment in mining.

If the dumper can successfully complete its trial run of six months, BEML will be able to participate in tenders for higher capacity dumpers floated by Coal India.
One such tender has been recently floated, which involves procuring 96 high capacity dumpers for NCL at a maximum cost of `1,500 crore. Another set of 10 dumpers is being procured for Eastern Coalfields.
At present, equipment supply to Coal India is dominated by a Russia’s Belaz, Tata Hitachi and Caterpillar and each of these high-capacity dumpers come at prices upwards of Rs 15 crore.
Reference-Economic Times, BEML website.