Rs.70,000 Cr. Investment By Adani Group In Green Data Centre

In a move that would bolster India’s technology infrastructure and boost the concept of green data centres, Adani group signed a memorandum of understanding to invest Rs 70,000 crore over the next 20 years to build solar powered data centre parks of up to 5 gigawatts in and around Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, its single largest investment till date.

The move also marks Adani group’s foray into the digital technology infrastructure sector that India is looking to accelerate.

The ambitious project, touted as the first-of-its-kind 100 per cent renewable energy powered project in the world, is expected to make Andhra in the East Coast the data centre hub for India and South East Asia creating over a lakh of direct and indirect jobs.

Adani group will develop data centre parks across three different campuses with each offering complementing value and together providing required redundancy and reliability to datacentre operators.

These data centre parks will be powered with 100% renewable energy to be generated within Andhra Pradesh.

Reference- Economic Times, The Hindu