Clean Future

Are We Even Aware Of Indoor Air-Pollution?

The World Health Organization says India’s capital, New Delhi, has air quality that’s worse than any other major city on Earth.

The indoor air quality reports put out by the Environmental Protection Agency EPA came to a similar conclusion about the sorry state of the indoor air we breathe.

To put this into perspective, one thing you probably don’t associate with air pollution is the air in your own house or apartment. However a recent study conducted at the University of Texas, Austin, found that the indoor air pollution in a home is worse than that of air samples from New Delhi.

Considering most people spend around 90 percent of their lives indoors, indoor air pollution may have serious health implications.

A company called Prism Analytical Technologies has developed consumer testing kits that provide a detailed analysis of indoor air pollution levels in your home.

Sold under the name Home Air Check, the tests allow consumers the ability to utilize the leading consultative air testing laboratory in the United States. It’s like inviting a team of highly trained analytical Chemists into your home to check your air quality.

Each test comes complete with an air sample collector, instructions, and a per-paid shipping label for easy return.

Test options include:

While it’s common knowledge pollutants permeate the air around us, how can you know you’re safe unless you’ve tested your living space.

Conducting any of these tests will allow you to take action if needed, and to sleep soundly knowing you’ve done everything in your power to breathe easy.

Reference- Futurism, Vox website, EPA website

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