By Going Solar Madurai Airport Is Saving Rs.10 lacs Monthly

As a policy, airports in the country are taking the green route by harnessing solar power to meet their electricity requirement to the possible extent. It has not only brought down huge electricity bills, but also helped in conserving power to save the environment.

The Madurai airport is the latest entrant in this list and is saving big on electricity charges as it meets 30% of its power requirement through solar energy.

With the addition of the 730-KW solar panels in April this year, the total capacity has increased to 900KW.

The facility, set up at a cost of Rs 4.8 crore, helps the Airport Authority of India (AAI) save at least Rs 10 lakh towards electricity charges monthly.

Now the Airport is dependent on Tamil Nadu Electricity Board mostly only during night. While the requirement of power is 4 lakh units a month, around 1.35 lakh units are being met through solar power.

The plant helps avoid carbon emission equivalent to sequestration of 7,500 full grown trees.

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