A series of rooftop blazes at Walmart stores in recent years left the retail giant with a pressing question: What was causing all the fires?
In a lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme Court, Walmart said that it is suing Tesla for breach of contract, contending that at least seven rooftop fires at the retailer’s stores between 2012 and 2018 were a result of problems with solar panels installed by the company.
The complaint asserted that Tesla engaged in “widespread, systemic negligence” and “failed to abide by prudent industry practices in installing, operating and maintaining its solar systems.”
It said the panels were installed on the roofs of more than 200 of the 5,000 Walmart locations in the United States.
The panels were installed by Tesla’s solar business, which was absorbed when the electric-car maker acquired SolarCity in 2016.
The Walmart complaint asserted that the company “adopted an ill-considered business model that required it to install solar panel systems haphazardly and as quickly as possible in order to turn a profit.”
After those fires, Walmart demanded that Tesla disconnect the solar panels installed on its stores, the complaint said, and Tesla agreed that “de-energization” would be prudent.
But last November, the roof of a Walmart in Yuba City, Calif., ignited. When the blaze was discovered, wires on the roof were still sparking, the complaint said, even though the solar panels had been disconnected for five months.
Walmart is now seeking damages from Tesla, as well as the removal of all the company’s solar power systems from its stores.
Reference- NewYork Times, CNBC, CNN