Clean Future

Biogas: The Secret Behind Rolland’s Sustainable Paper

As the corporate world continues to examine how to reduce its environmental footprint, and more businesses set strategies with climate change in mind, it is imperative they use energy in a way that’s clean, sustainable, and renewable during their manufacturing processes.

At Rolland, way back in 2004, they found a unique way to leverage renewable energy in the manufacturing process. It was, using Biogas to fuel paper production.

Made of predominantly methane and carbon dioxide, this “garbage gas” comes from decomposing landfill waste that has been captured to prevent its release into the air.

This biogas—is transported in a dedicated, 8‑mile pipeline from a nearby landfill to fulfill 93% of paper mill’s needs.

When methane burns to produce steam, a vital component used in the paper making process, it becomes carbon dioxide — a gas 21 times less harmful to the atmosphere. The result is lower methane emissions from the local landfill and lower consumption of gas from the pipeline for the compny.

Not only is biogas a renewable energy, it reduces CO2 emissions by 70,000 tons, or 23,400 compact cars, annually. Using of biogas has also allowed the company to drop plant’s thermal costs by 35 percent.

So next time you drive by your local landfill, don’t forget about “garbage gas” as an alternative energy source!

Reference- Clean Technica, Rolland website & PR

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