Clean Future

NASA & Uber Are Partnering For Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management


Urban air transportation system models are popping up everywhere, from Boeing to Airbus.

The NASA research from its Ames and Langley Research Centers is also looking into technologies for UAM airspace management. The agency is pooling its research to continue studying, designing, and testing tools and technologies to manage future airspace.

Specifically, it’s partnering with Uber on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) by sharing its plans to implement a safe and efficient urban aviation ride-share network.

The NASA and Uber teams are connecting their systems to run through different scenarios to help UAM operators.

For instance one of them will focus on coordinating the scheduling of different flights before takeoff, while another one will work on coordinating different elements of an emergency landing situation.

This is a good example of a government entity working with a private company to pool resources. NASA says it will collaborate with other partners as well to ensure an overall encompassing airspace operations.

Reference- NASA website, Clean Technica, Uber PR

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