Twingo ZE (Zero Emissions) Will Hit The Market In 2020.

The Renault Twingo is a popular little car in Europe. After years of customers clamoring for an electric version of the car, Renault is finally ready to roll one out.

To avoid cannibalizing sales of the ZOE, the Twingo ZE will have less range and features. Nonetheless, we expect that the Twingo ZE will have the same very useful 22 kW on-board charger.

The VW triplets with a WLTP range of 260 km and a price around 17.000 euros after government subsidies, will be the most direct alternatives to the Renault Twingo ZE.

The Twingo finds its way to approximately 75,000–85,000 homes a year, so don’t expect an electric Twingo to hit 10,000 sales a month.

Moreover, with a good A-segment electric car, automakers can build brand loyalty with younger generations. For younger generations it’s important that their first car is not only electric, but also affordable.

Reportedly, the Twingo ZE (zero emissions) will hit the market in 2020.

This is a Syndicate News-Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team