Clean Future

Golf Courses Are Going Greener With Solar

golf course
Golf courses around the world are offsetting the major expense of electricity by installing solar arrays.

The latest one to join the list is Michigan’s Northport Creek Golf Course Phase I saw the installation of 16 12-panel units that annually produce 64,000 kilowatt-hours, enough electricity to power 7 average-sized homes.

Phase II saw the installation of two arrays of 48 solar panels with computer tracking that moves with the sun, re-calibrating every 5 minutes. Designed to handle the electrical needs of the clubhouse and the electric golf carts,

Phase II generates another 21,000 kilowatt-hours. The total cost of installation of the solar panels was $210,000. Northport Creek doesn’t have electrical storage capabilities on site, so they use a bi-directional meter that puts the electricity it generates back into the Consumers Energy grid.

A small-but-growing number of golf courses are now turning to solar energy systems to either directly power their operations or feed electricity into the local utility’s grid in return for offsets on their electrical bill.

And there’s also a sense that these stewards are being forward-thinking and respectful with eco-friendly practices. It’s a win-win situation for economics, public relations, and the environment.

Reference- Clean Technica, Golf Course Industry magazine

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