Clean Future

SmartValve™- Enabling Resourceful Grid Management


Sterlite Power has inked an exclusive agreement with the US-based Smart Wires to bring SmartValve to Indian market which will enable resourceful grid management.

This cutting-edge technology is an intelligent ‘valve’ that will allow utilities to optimally utilize its existing transmission capacity and enhance grid flexibility, a company statement said.

An environmentally sustainable electricity system is the anchor for a modern society. We are growing at an incredible pace and need to look for innovative solutions for rising grid outages due to climate change, lack of land to build new lines and integration of renewable energy.

Power networks in India have been facing major transmission congestion challenges due to exponential growth in demand for power and rapid urbanization.

Congestion is often seen in sub-transmission lines where it is a challenge to connect renewable power. In this context, alleviating congestion and enhancing grid flexibility becomes critical, it said.

SmartValve increases power transfer capability by making better use of existing network. As generation and demand changes, circuits can become unequally loaded. Some lines reach their maximum capacity while others are well below their limits.

SmartValve technology can unlock this system capacity by more evenly balancing power flows and therefore provides a quicker-to-install and lower-impact alternative to building new lines.

“Modernizing the grid to make it ‘smarter’ through the use of cutting edge technology is going to disrupt the landscape and technology is going to be the game changer in this field.”

Reference- Economic Times, Businesswire PR, Smart Wires website

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