
Indian Textiles Are Ripping The Benefits Of Decentralized Renewable Energy

India’s textile and garment industry are one of the world’s largest, contributing to 3.7 percent of the global market. The use of decentralized renewable energy can modernize and accelerate this growth while improving livelihoods for millions.

Shifting from manual machine to a solar powered loom could double production output and save many labor-intensive hours that impact both income and health.

Sustainable energy and energy efficiency within the textile value chain has the potential to make the varied livelihoods aspirational while increasing productivity and incomes for under-served small and medium enterprises in rural areas.

Decentralized renewable energy (DRE) is positioning itself as a strong alternative, especially in areas where grid-supply is erratic and unreliable.

For the textile industry in particular efficient, clean and reliable energy can go a long way in accelerating growth in the industry, thus increasing its contribution to India’s GDP and supporting the livelihoods of millions.

Recent estimates show that the textile and garments industry alone employ nearly 45 million people across the country and contributes to 15 percent of India’s export earnings. The use of energy alone makes up around 15-20 per cent of the total production cost so shift to renewable energy could result in great savings and thus increased earnings.

Resham Sutra, a social energy enterprise delivering sustainable energy solutions for rural livelihoods using innovative technology and renewable resources for silk production.

Resham Sutra’s range of affordable electric reeling machines – many of which are powered by solar energy and use 10 per cent of the power of a standard motorized machine – vastly improve working conditions for women reeling silk from cocoons.

DRE can play a pivotal role – in driving modern and efficient systems for the industry while accelerating scale. Advancements in renewables, its access and flexibility to serve the most remote parts of India and the use of information technology to manage and monitor energy use and storage can drastically enhance the output and quality of textiles and garments in the country.

Reference- Economic Times, MNRE website