Clean Future

Punjab Announces Curtailment of Renewable Power


The Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) has announced the curtailment of power under force majeure clause (outbreak of COVID-19) from the projects generating renewable energy until the pandemic lasts.

The corporation has instructed the renewable generators to discontinue their generating facilities immediately from the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) and PSTCL systems until the COVID-19 epidemic lasts.

The state agencies are citing the force majeure clause under their power purchase agreements (PPAs) signed between the renewable generators and PSPCL.

Generators of biomass and cogen power, biogas and mini hydel projects are also asked to stop generating power.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country, DISCOMs across states have been invoking the force majeure clause due to load crash, putting the viability of renewable power generation projects under threat.

This is a Syndicated News-Feed edited by Clean-Future Team

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