Clean Future

JinkoSolar Completes 100 MW Supply Agreement With Blue Sun Group


JinkoSolar has differentiated itself from peers by being first to market with many key technologies, such as Tiling Ribbon, and the unique TrueSquare 163mm Cheetah cell.

This clever innovation helped Cheetah Plus exceed 20% efficiency and still save on installation rail costs.

JinkoSolar Cheetah Plus is unique in the power class due to the narrow profile, which allows use of 4200mm rails standard in the industry.Across 2020, they have introducing a range of innovative technologies, including Cheetah Plus, Tiger N, Tiger Pro.

They are the world leader in panel shipments, and this success comes in no small part from the efforts of their solid partners in the distribution and EPC sectors, such as Blue Sun Group in Australia.

Blue Sun Group is attracted to the Cheetah Plus for the key reasons of time saving and reliability. By using these panels on a typical 6.6kW system, installers can reduce the number of panels installed from 20 to 18 (compared to 330W), saving time and mounting materials.

JinkoSolar solar modules also come standard with DuPont Tedlar backsheet, earning Australian models the covered MAST certification, and providing confidence to homeowners and businesses alike that the panels are fundamentally better and will last longer.

This is a Syndicate News-Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team

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