Array Technologies, a market leader in single-axis solar tracking, have made its performance enhancing software SmarTrack even smarter — adding functionality to increase utility-scale energy harvest.
Detailed research and validation from independent engineers at DNV GL spotlight the real-world and accurate energy gains now available to Array customers with SmarTrack.

During extensive beta testing, SmarTrack was analyzed by solar specialists at DNV GL and refined for peak performance. After conducting analysis on an active utility-scale site, DNV GL authenticated that SmarTrack can substantially improve annual energy output.

SmarTrack maximizes system output by recovering energy that would have otherwise been sacrificed due to uneven terrain or diffuse light conditions.
How it works: SmartTrack’s advanced machine learning algorithms boost energy production by intelligently adjusting module angles in response to weather and site conditions without additional specialized equipment, expensive sensors, or the need to add technical staff.
Within days of deployment, SmarTrack learns the optimum module positions of your PV plant to yield maximum power over its lifetime.
Installed and supported by solar application developers at Array, SmarTrack operates securely on-site, without the necessity of data leaving the plant.

It can boost kilowatt-hours under overcast conditions and decrease row to row shading losses on clear days caused by uneven terrain.
As utility-scale PV power plants are now expected to extend practical operational lifespans to over 30 years, the added energy yield from SmarTrack’s advanced machine learning can mean a substantial profitability boost for plant operators.
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