Delhi government had recently announced a new EV policy (electric vehicle) in which it made sure that subsidies were made more accessible so that those purchasing new vehicles could get timely financial benefits.
Road tax and registration fees were also given relief by the government so that people could get the opportunity to use better transportation at the least cost.
The effect of encouraging electric vehicles by the Delhi government to control pollution is beginning to show results.
It has become the first state in the country where 3000 electric vehicles were purchased by the people within a few weeks after the government’s EV policy was launched.
Delhi will be the first state where electric vehicles are now being replaced by petrol and diesel vehicles at such a rapid pace.
An electric vehicle costs less than 40% as compared to a petrol-diesel car. This turns out to be a huge saving for the public. Companies will also benefit from this new technology when they produce these vehicles on a large scale.
While the electric vehicle policies of other states of the country like Karnataka and Maharashtra are very encouraging on government papers it however failed to translate into actual action.
Learning probably from the mistakes of other states, the Delhi government ensured that the electric vehicle buyers experience immediate benefits by way of subsidies, tax exemptions etc so that each purchase results in a word-of-mouth publicity for the scheme.
This will go a long way in addressing the pollution in capital region a part from this they are also placing a scraping policy for old vehicles and are creating EV charging point at every 3 kilometers.
This is a PRNewswire Release; edited by Clean-Future Team