Natural phenomena have always shaped and reshaped the coastline of Cape Cod. But the process has seemingly accelerated thanks to the impacts of climate change.
At some points up to six feet of land was getting swallowed up over the course of a single day.

Scientists recently abandoned a climate research outpost in Cape Cod Massachusetts — because climate change struck back.
Rising sea levels and an eroding coastline could engulf the National Weather Service station in a matter of months, so the station is being demolished before it falls into the sea.

A climate research outpost being destroyed by climate change is a bit on-the-nose, but maybe a blunt, direct warning is what it’ll take to take this change as the serious, tangible threat that it is.
We are putting our foot on the accelerator to make the environment even more dynamic by adding tons of carbon in our atmosphere each day.

It’s a bit ironic, but the research station’s demolition serves as a perfect illustration of the fact that climate change and rising sea levels are already happening today — and require urgent action.
“What’s happened with the station is an indication of what we will see around the globe. In a way we are unprepared for how much worse things will be with climate change.”
Reference- The Guardian, Futurism, Oceanographic Institution website