As the global environment becomes increasingly precarious and the threat of climate change grows, an increasing number of people are choosing to not have children due to concerns about the future.

Several women told Yahoo Life that they view not having children as both a way to reduce their overall impact on the environment and also as an act of compassion toward future generations.
They don’t want to bring children into a world ravaged by climate change and, by not having kids, resources won’t be as strained for those who do.

“So, if there was ever any real desire to become parents, it is greatly outweighed by the fact that we feel we are currently unable to provide a safe environment and future for our children.”
The lack of urgency for politicians to adequately address these issues while there is an inevitable threat of environmental disaster and a shortage of resources is pretty frightening.
Nearly all of the Americans who answered a small survey last November said they were “very” or “extremely” concerned about the well-being of children in future generations facing even worse impacts of climate change than the ones we’re facing today.
Reference- Yahoo, Conceivable Future Organization, Clean Technica