Zero-Emission Shipping

Mission Innovation – Towards A Zero-Emission Shipping

The governments of Denmark, Norway, and the United States, along with the Global Maritime Forum and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, today announced that they will lead a new Zero-Emission Shipping Mission as part of Mission Innovation.

Carrying 80-90% of global trade in a less carbon-intensive manner than other freight transport modes, international maritime shipping nonetheless represents about 2–3% of the world’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Without immediate and concerted efforts, emissions from the sector could increase between 50% and 250% by 2050.

Zero-Emission Shipping

The three main goals of the Zero-Emission Shipping Mission are:

  • Develop, demonstrate, and deploy zero-emission fuels, ships, and fuel infrastructure in a coordinated fashion along the full value chain.
  • By 2030, ships capable of running on hydrogen-based zero-emission fuels—such as green hydrogen, green ammonia, green methanol, and biofuels—make up at least 5% of the global deep-sea fleet measured by fuel consumption.
  • By 2030, at least 200 of these well-to-wake zero-emission fueled ships are in service and utilizing these fuels across their main deep sea shipping routes.

Through fearless technological innovation, ambitious clean energy deployment, and constructive international collaboration, we can build a net-zero carbon economy that at the same time creates millions of jobs.

The main objective is to help move clean energy solutions from lab to market.

Reference-  Mission Innovation website, Clean Technica, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center website, IHS Market