Clean Future

Agrocrete – A Building Material Made Out Of Crop Residues


GreenJams Infrastructures, a Visakhapatnam, India, based company with a vision to create carbon-negative building materials, launched Agrocrete®- a first of its kind building material product range, made of crop residues and industrial by-products.

The range consists of –

Agrocrete® Solid Blocks

Agrocrete® Solid Blocks – These can replace clay bricks, fly ash bricks and concrete masonry units and are best suited for load-bearing construction and low-rise structures.

Agrocrete® Hollow Blocks

Agrocrete® Hollow Blocks – A lightweight, highly insulating, carbon-negative replacement of AAC blocks and hollow burnt-clay blocks. Best suited for non-loadbearing applications within structural frames in low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise structures.

Agrocrete® Plaster – A ready-made two-part pre-mix plaster for premium quality, custom and artisanal wall finishes. It is carbon-negative, thermally insulating, water-resistant, termite and pest resistant with excellent life and durability.

This product range comes with a host of benefits including 50% reduction in construction cost, 50% higher thermal insulation and it weighs 30% lesser. Since these blocks are 30% lighter the traditional red bricks, the masons can work with it faster.

BINDR™ used for the mortar joints, plastering and flooring is also a low-carbon replacement of Portland cement.It is not only made of 100% upcycled materials, but also consumes less water and gives out 80% less carbon emissions than Portland cement.

The world’s first building using this material was built in just 4 days flat in Roorkee and it has captured 3.1 tons of CO2.

This is a Businesswire Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team

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