Devic Earth, Bangalore is offering world’s first ever Clean-Air-as-a-Service!! Their innovative built air purifier device “Pure Skies” can lower air pollution at workplaces. It uses an AI-driven pulsed radio wave technology, which allows the pollutants in the air to settle down on the ground and clear away.

The wi-fi enabled technology handles airborne gaseous and particle pollutants, interestingly there is no filter in the device.
Pure Skies targets particulates like PM10 and PM2.5 and nano sized particles below 1 micron. It would reduce air pollution in large indoor workplaces, including factories, warehouses, educational institutions, etc.
The device address the problem of large indoor or outdoor area coverage at lowest cost, providing an affordable plug and play solution, with zero hassle to the end customer & highest efficacy of up to 90%.

The Pure Skies system for clean air is an offshoot of research done by the Sri Sathya Sai Pure Skies Program, led by Dr. Srikanth Sola and a team of scientists and environmental engineers from the USA and India. Funding and other support for this research has been provided by the following organizations:

The big “aha” moment came in 2014, when Dr. Sola developed a new type of RF coil transmitter design that was inspired by his work with medical ultrasound. This new design transmits radio waves in rapid pulses (analogous to ultrasound but using weak radio energy) that effectively cleaned the air.