Clean Future

NHTSA Says Fully Autonomous Vehicles Need Not Have Steering Wheels…


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has announced final rules that remove the requirement for automated vehicle makers to provide fully autonomous cars with manual driving controls in order to meet crash standards.

In other words, if autonomous vehicles are completely autonomous, there is no need for steering wheels, pedals, or other human controls. This has been a source of contention for automakers and technology firms, particularly because it just adds expense to automobiles.

The new regulations have modified the criteria to make it clear what the agency expects from manufacturers when applying the standards to ADS-equipped vehicles that do not have typical manual controls.

The final regulation specifies that, notwithstanding their unique designs, cars equipped with ADS technology must maintain the same high standards of occupant safety as modern passenger vehicles.

This regulation is part of the NHTSA’s continuous efforts to guarantee the safety of the public as vehicle automation advances. They are continually monitoring and supervising the safe testing and deployment of these vehicles.

Their approach to advanced vehicle technology focuses safety in areas like as data gathering and analysis, research, human factors, legislation, and enforcement.

The NHTSA is making significant progress toward a self-driving future. The agency and its employees are fully aware of the way that technology is taking in terms of driving.

Reference- NHTSA website & PR, The Verge, Inside EVs, Reuters

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