The Indian government has set an ambitious objective of decreasing the carbon intensity of its economy by 45 percent by year 2030. In this backdrop, hydrogen fuel cell technology is developing as a possible replacement for fossil fuels.

Tata Motors has taken considerable efforts and has been leading in the development of Hydrogen-powered vehicles, with companies and sectors throughout the country currently making leaps to utilize hydrogen as a source of energy.
Tata Motors had been working on a hydrogen fuel cell technology demonstration vehicle project as part of the Technology Development and Demonstration Program (TDDP) in collaboration with the Government of India. Collaborating with ISRO for system integration, testing, and certification.

Tata Motors has also developed its fuel cell handling and onboard storage capability, as well as the safety system that goes with it. This has been accomplished through careful design, integration, simulations, and testing, and numerous prototypes of this program have been evaluated across the country.
Tata Motors has established a specialised lab for this technology in Pune. To test fuel cell buses, it has developed a specialised hydrogen dispensing station and test track near Sanand.

The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) granted the company a tender in June 2021 for the supply of 15 Hydrogen-based proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell buses. The fact that Tata Motors won this tender demonstrates the significant and practical measures that the company is taking.
This is a Tata Motors Newsroom Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team