Clean Future

Searching For A Sustainable Battery Material

Sustainable Battery Materials

With the widespread use of electronic gadgets and electric cars, sustainable battery materials are in high demand, and sodium ion batteries (NIBs) have garnered international interest for next-generation energy storage systems.

Sparc Technologies, located in Australia, has teamed with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to look for ways to combine bio waste elements into sodium-ion batteries, with the goal of creating “sustainable battery materials.”

A high-performance, low-cost, sustainably derived anode material for sodium-ion batteries might address the rising demand for this alternative battery technology.

Existing hard carbon compounds are usually derived from carbonaceous precursors such as pitch, an oil and gas industry byproduct. This is a high-energy process with environmental consequences when paired with a high-emission feed supply.

The Sparc/QUT project will create a unique technique for producing hard carbon from low-cost sustainably derived green bio waste, with the goal of targeting the sodium-ion battery sector.

At QUT’s battery research and testing facilities, including the National Battery Testing Center and Central Analytical Research Facility, the hard carbon materials will be described and evaluated in a sodium-ion cell configuration.

When compared to conventional sources of hard carbon, the unique technique for producing hard carbon utilizing widely accessible, sustainable bio waste material will provide Sparc with a strong environmental value proposition.

The materials used in sodium-ion batteries are readily available, unlike lithium-ion batteries, and provide greater safety for industrial scale energy storage.

Reference- Sparc Technologies Newsroom, Interesting Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, EV Reporter

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