Sakuu and NGK have established a partnership to create 3D-printed solid-state batteries. NGK will contribute to the development of solid-state batteries by providing ceramic materials for present and future battery production.

Sakuu now produces lithium-metal batteries with an energy density of 800 Wh/l and a continuous discharge rate of 3C for its clients, but it is shifting its focus to the initial manufacturing of 3D-printed solid-state batteries.
Sakuu is a pioneer in the development of a novel additive manufacturing method that allows for the 3D printing of glass, metals, polymers, and ceramics in a single layer, a process that it claims will result in more powerful batteries that are 50% smaller, 30% lighter, and less expensive than conventional lithium-ion batteries.
Sakuu can create batteries in specific forms and sizes to fulfill the demands of clients, which is one of the unique qualities of employing 3D printing. This capacity has the potential to change industrial product design and energy use across sectors.

Sakuu is a startup that few of us have heard anything about, but it has enormous intentions. It recently opened its first 3D-printed battery plant, with more to come. The target is to produce 60 GWh of batteries per year by 2028, which would be a significant feat if realized.

The firm looks to be on its intended path. The company’s second-generation batteries, which have twice the energy density and 30% less weight than existing Li-ion cells, have potential domestic and industrial uses in energy storage, micro-reactors, and electronics.
Reference- Sakuu website, 3D Printing Industry, NGK website &PR, Businesswire, Clean Technica