Clean Future

Wisk Aero Unveils 1st Self-Flying, 4-Seat, All-Electric Air Taxi

Wisk Aero

Wisk Aero of California claims to have created the world’s first self-flying, totally electric, four-seat air taxi. This is the company’s sixth generation air taxi, which is said to be “built to meet and surpass strict commercial safety standards, making it one of the safest systems in aviation.”

“Generation 6 is the first contender for FAA certification of a self-driving, passenger-carrying eVTOL air taxi.” “It combines industry-leading autonomous technology and software, human monitoring of every flight, and an overall streamlined design to produce one of the safest passenger transport systems in commercial aviation,” according to Wisk Aero.

12 years and 6 aircraft generations – that clearly suggests the team has put in enough effort on this project and may have a wonderful outcome. Plus, with Boeing’s backing, one can expect Wisk has top aircraft engineering experts on its team.

Wisk has done over 1600 test flights, and based on this news, it appears that the firm is almost ready to play a commercial role in the airline sector. Here are some specs:

The business intends to charge customers $3 every passenger mile.

Reference- Wisk Aero Online Newsroom, New Atlas, Interesting Engineering, TechCrunch, Flying Magazine

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