A team of international academics discovered in a devastating new report that experts hired by multinational oil and gas firm Exxon were astonishingly accurate in their forecasts of global warming – for nearly half a century.

Despite the fact that the corporation has constantly questioned initiatives to investigate climate change.
Between 1977 and 2003, the company’s experts were frighteningly precise in their estimates of how burning fossil fuels would end up causing global temperatures to rise.

Indeed, several of their initiatives proved to be more accurate than other independent and government models. Their forecasts were only 0.2 degrees Celsius off from actual temperature rises each decade. Exxon scientists also accurately dispelled “the prospect of a coming ice age,” according to the paper, despite the fact that Exxon repeatedly referred to the possibility in public.

The company’s projections “were very consistent over time. They knew all of that. They’ve known it for decades.” However, just last year, Exxon CEO Darren Woods defended the company’s position in front of a House panel, arguing that the company’s actions remained consistent with the current knowledge at the time.
This is how Exxon and many like them have become big companies of the world and till today are just green-washing that is why the climate of the world is going downhill 🙁
Reference- The New York Times story, Journal Science Paper, Futurism, National Geographic