Clean Future

Tesla Falls 50 Spots In Axios Harris Brand Reputation Survey

Tesla Brand Reputation

Tesla may still retain more customers than other automakers (based on 2022 statistics), but its reputation has suffered significantly. According to a recent assessment of 100 leading businesses, Tesla’s brand perception has plummeted from #11 to #62.

This is the kind of thing that may not have immediate or even visible consequences, but there’s no doubt that having your brand reputation suffer substantially is bad for sales or talent recruiting.

It is also worth noting that organizations and their reputations may improve and deteriorate at the same time – in various ways. In terms of innovation and attractive job opportunities, the company may still be regarded as the automotive or even manufacturing leader while taking a hit on workforce equity, corporate governance, worker rights, and/or cultural inclusion.

What Axios says about this Axios Harris Poll is:

The damage to the Tesla’s brand reputation mentioned above is significant or not we have no idea. We’ll have to wait and see whether additional polls and/or statistics demonstrate that Tesla’s reputation and sales have taken a similar knock.

This story is based on Axios Harris Poll published in Clean Technica

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