Clean Future

What Bisphenyl A (BPA) Can Do To Our Bodies?


Plastic bottle and liquid stream. Bisphenol, BPA FREE plastic photo.

What is Bisphenol-A (or BPA), and where is it used?

Bisphenyl A (BPA) is a chemical (which is largely unregulated) that is used to produce plastics and may enter our systems by eating, inhalation, or contact. Though studies demonstrate that it is generally broken down and disposed of by our systems in a couple of hours, it can possibly be detrimental, particularly over time.

BPA, a known endocrine disruptor, has been related to breast and ovarian cancer, as well as immunological, thyroid, and metabolic problems.

The Center for Environmental Health (CEH), a California-based environmental watchdog group, recently discovered potentially hazardous levels of this chemical in hundreds of kinds of socks, leggings, sports bras, and shorts. It makes sense given that most of our textiles are now composed of plastic (including polyester, acrylic, and nylon).

Despite the surge in awareness around BPA and endocrine disruptors 15 years ago, nothing was done. The American Chemistry Council writes that “This chemical has little potential to cause health effects, even when people are exposed to BPA throughout their lives.” 

Researchers believe that the majority of the BPA that enters our systems originates from food, where it seeps off packaging and plastic storage containers. The liver metabolizes much of the it in our bodies and excretes it through urine. Most studies show that the chemical degrades swiftly, generally in a couple of hours.

While BPA is in the body, however, it acts as an endocrine disruptor, altering the delicate molecular choreography we use to send signals via hormones and other chemicals. Fetal exposure and during puberty seems to be the highest risk windows, but there’s no real ethical way to do those studies in humans.

In the absence of government regulation, to reduce your exposure to BPA, you can try the following:

Reference- National Geographic Story, American Medical Association Study, Science Direct, Clean Technica

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