Insolation Energy Limited (INA Solar), a renowned manufacturer of solar panels in Rajasthan, India, will join the worldwide market. Buyers overwhelmingly supported INA Solar Company’s goods at the recent three-day Indo East Africa Trade Expo in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by the Federation of Rajasthan Trade and Industry (Forti).

By entering the worldwide market, INA Solar will emphasis on Make in India Made for the World. With the entry of INA Solar into the international market in Kenya and the sale of solar panels to Kenya, the company’s business is projected to soar to new heights.

In Rajasthan, the business has two world-class plants, Jaipur M10 and G12, with innovative technologies and a Topcon production facility for manufacturing and selling high capacity solar panels, batteries, and inverters.
The company’s products are recognized by BIS / ALMM. The production capacity of the company is 700 MW. Plans to increase solar panel manufacturing capacity to 1200 MW in the coming years as well as set up a 500 MW solar cell manufacturing unit.

This is a Syndicate News Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team