In the early hours of Tuesday, an avalanche occurred in the Himalayas near the border of India and China. The avalanche caused a glacial lake to overflow, leading to a series of disasters as the water rushed down the surrounding valleys.

At least 26 individuals lost their lives in Sikkim, a small state, and another 142 are currently unaccounted for. Although the disaster was unexpected, it was not entirely surprising, as a study published four years prior had accurately predicted similar events with distressing accuracy.
The consequences of climate change in the world’s most stunning mountain range have aligned in a dangerous pattern, and there are numerous other potential disasters waiting to happen.

Ashim Sattar, a glaciologist at the Indian Institute of Science, had previously warned about the possibility of a disastrous flood wave originating from South Lhonak Lake and flooding the town of Chungthang, which could result in significant damage to the nearby hydropower dam site.
During the actual incident, the dam was completely washed away, and the Indian government’s home ministry believes that around 80 percent of Chungthang was impacted.
The flood that broke through the dam at Chungthang had traveled halfway through Sikkim. By the time it reached Sangkalang, it had turned into a massive wall of water that was 60 feet taller than the normal riverbank.
Scientists refer to a type of disaster known as a “glacial lake outburst flood” (GLOF). The Himalayas have a significant number of potential GLOFs, with Sikkim possibly hosting 10 percent of them, including about 25 that are considered high-risk. While GLOFs are extremely dangerous, they can be predicted.
Climate change is making the threats posed by glacial lakes in Sikkim and globally more severe, and this situation is expected to deteriorate further.
However, the cause of the recent avalanche in Sikkim is still unknown. It could be due to climate factors such as unusual rainfall, or it could be related to an earthquake that occurred in Nepal on the same day, or it might be caused by entirely yet to be determined another factor.
Reference- Wikipedia, National Geographic, Down To Earth, The New York Times