Scientists are alarmed by the ongoing increase in ocean temperatures, which are breaking records from last year. To be clear they are not surprised by the overall warming of the oceans as it has been happening for many years due to the emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels but are surprised by the rapid rise in temperatures.

Scientists are surprised by the rapid rate of ocean warming, which is exceeding their predictions, even when factoring in the El Niño current. These predictions are not something they want to see surpassed.
The North Atlantic has been unusually warm for nearly a year, which is concerning because there is no clear explanation from scientists. Typically, they have a good understanding of these patterns, but it seems that the situation has surpassed expectations.

According to one theory researchers speculate that the sudden increase in ocean temperatures may be due to a reduction in aerosol pollution over the ocean. Prior to the implementation of 2020 shipping regulations, the high levels of sulfur dioxide in container ship fuel created enough aerosol to block some of the Sun’s heat from reaching the ocean’s surface. (Disclaimer: aerosols are still very harmful.)
“When those aerosols were in the sky above the shipping lanes, they helped create a cloud cover, and there’s much less now.”

That’s right, folks. Humans have messed the Earth up so badly that successfully eliminating some of the devastating pollution we’ve wrought on our planet might be causing even more problems. Despite researchers being puzzled, the condition of the ocean remains extremely concerning.
Reference- Futurism, National Geographic, The Guardian, Vox, The New York Times, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, The Verge