Clean Future

PM-Surya Ghar: A Promising Rooftop Solar Plan With Hiccups!

rooftop solar

India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is gearing up to implement the PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana (Free Electricity Scheme for Rooftop Solar Homes). This ambitious program aims to install rooftop solar panels in 10 million households, significantly boosting India’s renewable energy capacity.

To ensure its success, the MNRE has established a dedicated mission directorate. This directorate will oversee daily operations, manage stakeholder coordination, and distribute program funds. Importantly, it will also collaborate with state and central electricity regulatory commissions to streamline rooftop solar regulations.

The program boasts a significant budget of ₹750 billion (US$9.04 billion), highlighting the government’s commitment to clean energy and energy independence for millions. Launched in January 2024, the program specifically targets low and middle-income households, aiming to reduce their electricity bills and empower them with self-reliance.

However, initial hiccups threaten to impede progress. Installers and customers have reported frustrations due to the portal’s instability and user-unfriendliness, leading to a backlog of pending applications.

Furthermore, a recent report indicates a 10% decline in rooftop solar installations in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter. This could be attributed to many potential beneficiaries delaying installations in anticipation of the PM Surya Ghar program’s subsidies. The program offers a doubled central subsidy, making rooftop solar a more attractive option for man.

While the PM-Surya Ghar program holds immense promise for India’s clean energy future, addressing the portal’s shortcomings and effectively communicating program details will be crucial for its success.

Reference- Mercom Q1 2024 India Rooftop Solar Market Report, MNRE website, Press Information Bureau, Economic Times

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